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photo of NOAH

Age: 15

Child ID#: 101286447
Noah was born in May 2009. Noah likes to be outdoors and stay active. Noah plays sports like boxing, fencing and spends time practicing martial arts. He likes to play soccer. His favorite food is Greek salad
photo of Dylan

Age: 17

Child ID#: 101310549
Dylan is described as a sweet child who is very active and enjoys physical activity. He enjoys playing football, going to the movies, rollerblading and playing basketball. Dylan is able to make and maintain relationships with peers and adults.
photo of GAGE

Age: 16

Child ID#: 101380969
Gage is an active teenage boy who enjoys being outside, playing sports, and watching TV. He hopes to join the football team at school. Gage reports that his strongest class in school is Mathematics, and he is passionate about going to college. His career goal is to become an auto mechanic. Gage envisions a forever family with other children that will become his siblings. If you feel yours is the family to provide a loving, structured home for Gage, give us a call today!
photo of Nathan

Age: 17

Child ID#: 101387790
Nathan is a very outspoken young man who loves to socialize and engage with others his age. Nathan enjoys listening to music and playing video games. He also likes playing outdoor sports like basketball and is interested in cars. He needs a family with structure and boundaries that will give him unconditional love.
photo of KING

Age: 14

Child ID#: 101414640
Meet King! King is a young boy who enjoys playing with toy cars and action figures. He also loves to draw and paint. He dreams of being a police officer when he grows up. He enjoys playing outside but also does well playing inside. He is most proud of being able to ride his bike without training wheels. He loves dogs, cats, owls and wolves. On the weekends, he enjoys going to church, going to the beach, playing basketball, and doing outside activities. He would to best in a structured family who has a routine. Therapy will also be important to King's success. He can't wait to meet his forever family, could that be you?
photo of massaqua

Age: 14

Child ID#: 101416394
Massaqua has a smile that will light up your world. Every person that meets him always gives him that compliment and remembers him by that. Massaqua likes video games and currently has a Switch. If you take Massaqua fishing he will be in his happiest place. Massaqua loves anything to do with Pokémon, especially collecting Pokémon cards. Massaqua would benefit from a family willing and able to provide him with individualized attention and unconditional love, and would do best as the youngest or only child in the family.
photo of JA

Age: 14

Child ID#: 101422331
Meet JaMari!! JaMari just like is sister is very resilient, outspoken and advocates for himself really well. JaMari likes all sports and video games. He also loves to play with cars. ideal family would be a family that loves to do things together and also a family that will accommodate her emotional, physical and educational needs.
photo of John

Age: 14

Child ID#: 101435928
John is a boy who loves to read, likes to play with Legos and loves being outside. His favorite subject at school is Science. John would do best in a home with older children or no children. He will also need to be in a home without any animals. He will need a family who could provide him with a lot of supervision and structure.
photo of MICHAEL

Age: 16

Child ID#: 101467840
.Meet Michael! Michael is best described as a vibrant young male who enjoys life. He is an outgoing child who loves to laugh. Some of his favorite activities include skateboarding, football and basketball. Michael is an active child and will do best with a family who is able to participate in events with him. He will thrive in a family who is patient and loving, and willing to work with him through life's troubles to reach his full potential. Could you be Michaels forever family?
photo of Justin

Age: 16

Child ID#: 101469700
Meet Justin! Justin enjoys sports, especially football. His favorite team is the Kansas City Chiefs. He also enjoys listening to rap music and playing video games. Justin likes swimming either in the pool or the beach. He would like to someday go on vacation to the Bahamas. Justin is not a picky eater and likes all types of food except for seafood. His all-time favorite meal is spicy buffalo wings. Justin is looking for a family who will support him as he journeys through his teenage years. Above all else, Justin is in need of a family that will stay by his side no matter what and love him unconditionally.
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