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photo of JULIANO

Age: 10

Child ID#: 103501768
Juliano is a handsome school-aged Hispanic male who has faced challenges and obstacles. Despite these challenges, Juliano is an awesome child who thrives on structure and consistency. He would do well in a two-parent household, with a forever family that can provide patience, structure, guidance, and unconditional love. If you feel yours is the forever family for Juliano, give us a call today!
photo of ANDREW

Age: 14

Child ID#: 103521921
Meet Andrew! Andrew was born October of 2009. Andrew is an Alabama football fan. He enjoys playing video games in his free time. His favorite subject in school is math. He likes hot wings and pizza with everything on it. He likes to play basketball. His favorite color is red and favorite tv show is SpongeBob Square pants. He likes dogs but not little ones. Andrew is friendly and has good manners. Andrew will do best in a family who is able to provide supervision. A family who is patient, structured and loving will be best for Andrew. Could you be his forever family?
photo of KEVIN

Age: 16

Child ID#: 103565367
Kevin is a handsome Hispanic teenager who has a quirky sense of humor. He enjoys learning, hanging out with friends, and playing sports. He can initially present as reserved, but once you gain his trust and he feels comfortable, he interacts well. Kevin will do well in a home where he is the only child. He is looking for a forever family to provide him with unconditional love, support, and guidance. If you feel yours is the forever family for Kevin, give us a call today!
photo of FARHI

Age: 15

Child ID#: 103617828
Meet Farhi!! Farhi is a sweet, caring, shy at initial meeting of new people, smart, and very respectful young man. Fahri is very determined when it comes to his education and is conscious about eating and weight gain. He loves soccer, basketball, Anime, and playing video games. Farhi enjoys drawing, playing soccer, the ins and outs of computers and playing his video games. Farhi has a competitive spirit on the soccer field. He does really well in school and is on grade level. Farhi can come off as shy and reserve upon first meeting him but he does warm up in due time. Farhi is looking for a family that will keep up with him and his needs, guide him and continuously encouraging him to accomplish his goals.
photo of Preston

Age: 16

Child ID#: 103639315
Preston is an 16 year old Caucasian male with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Preston likes playing video games like War of Warcraft and Call of Duty. Preston enjoys listening to music. He enjoys watching and playing football, and his favorite football is the Kansas City Chiefs. Preston enjoys going to amusement parks and riding on roller coasters. He wants to go to college in Kentucky.
photo of Kyle

Age: 16

Child ID#: 103723997
Meet Kyle! He loves watching comedies and playing video games! He is a sweet young man who dreams to one day become an electrician. He wants a family to adopt him and be able to help him reach his goals. Kyle is pretty open about the type of family he wants as long as they are kind and loving. Kyle likes to try new things and do activities. A family that can help keep him busy and spark his interest would be perfect!
photo of Liam

Age: 12

Child ID#: 103725726
Liam is an intelligent, inquisitive and determined child. He takes pride in learning and enjoys school. His favorite subject is math. Liam enjoys a multitude of activities from "shooting hoops" and playing in the pool to going to the beach and grocery shopping. Liam enjoys discussing topics that interest him and is described as not being "much of a small talker". He takes pride in his appearance and is considered very stylish. He enjoys doing things by himself and being independent. Liam can present as guarded at times and takes a while to warm up to others due to the changes and trauma he has experienced in his young life. Liam has learned how to advocate for himself and his needs. Liam will thrive in an environment with a family who has experience in providing trauma informed care as he continues to grow and develop trusting relationships with adults. Liam would also benefit from being in an environment with nurturing and patient caregivers who recognize and support his need for independence, self-advocacy and routines. Liam would do best in a family where he is the youngest or only child. Upon being matched, a family should be prepared to participate in a slow transition.
photo of Jaden

Age: 10

Child ID#: 103778791
Jaden has dirty blond hair and brown eyes. He has a small build. Jaden likes toys that light up and make noise. His favorite foods are yogurt, fruit loops, applesauce and oatmeal. Jaden is always smiling. He is an extremely happy child and loves being around his peers. He likes to read and finger paint. He enjoys watching children shows. He loves to take baths and play in the water.
photo of IIASON

Age: 17

Child ID#: 103861770
IIason is a tall, handsome African American teenage male with black hair and dark brown set eyes who enjoys bike riding, playing football, and going to the beach. He considers himself a foodie and enjoys most foods. IIason enjoys involvement in a mentorship program where he can learn from others. He is inspiring to be an entrepreneur in the future, with the goal of owning a barbershop one day. IIason is looking for a forever family that will provide him with stability, structure, and unconditional love. If you feel yours is the family to provide a loving, structured home for IIason, give us a call today!

Age: 9

Child ID#: 103892747
Dontayvion is an African American young man who was born in July of 2014. He is very active and likes to play and jump around. He enjoys playing on his tablet. Dontayvion has siblings and family in the NWF area he would like to stay connected to.
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