Grow Your Family

Join us on an incredible journey to help build strong families, create unbreakable bonds, and pave the way for a brighter future for foster children across Florida.

Two young children hugging

The Journey of Adoption

Adoption is more than a choice; it’s a journey filled with love, hope, and the creation of a forever family. By choosing adoption, you embark on an extraordinary adventure that transforms children’s lives and fills your home with the warmth of unconditional love.

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Interested in Adoption

Our main goal is to empower families and build a thriving community where every child can succeed. We welcome new families, value individual stories, and create lasting connections. Whether you’re thinking about adoption or providing support, your contribution is crucial to the unity of our adoptive community.

If you’re considering adopting a child, please contact Florida’s Adoption Information Center at 1-800-96-ADOPT. Within seven business days, you’ll be connected with a local Adoption Specialist who can provide information, help assess your readiness, and guide you through the next steps.

Match, Learn, and Meet

During the matching process, you will work closely with your adoption specialist to ensure that the unique strengths and qualities of both your family and the child are carefully considered. Once a match is made, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the child, and the child will have the chance to learn more about you!

As the child becomes more comfortable, visits will begin and gradually increase over time. Adoption is a lifelong commitment, and this process ensures that both the prospective adoptive family and the child are fully prepared to move forward. The adoption specialist will guide everyone to determine the final move-in day.

Woman hugging a young smiling girl
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Let’s Make it Official!

After the match, visits, and placement, the time has come to make it official. Your adoption attorney will arrange a hearing before a judge, marking the moment your child legally becomes a part of your family. Remember, adoption is a lifelong commitment, and our Post-Adoption Support Services are here to assist you and your family during and after the adoption process at no cost until your child turns 18. This support ensures a smooth and successful transition for everyone involved.

State vs. Private Adoption

The two most common ways to become an adoptive parent are through public or private adoption.

State Adoption

Private Adoption

State Benefits

There are many benefits that come with adopting from the State of Florida.

Featured Adoption Stories

Families Changed Through Adoption

See the impact of adoption on families making a difference in a child’s life.

My Adoption Story

Tosha Beckham

How many children did you adopt?

Two children!

Why did they decide to adopt?

“My adoption journey started with me being adopted when I was 9 years old. My parents gave me a life that I never could have dreamed of. A safe, loving home that, even at 39 years old, I still am so grateful for. Even though I tell them quite often, my parents will never truly know how grateful I am they chose me and how it impacted my life in such a positive way.

The one thing I quickly learned at such a young age was that you didn’t have come from someone’s body to be considered family. I always knew two things growing up; I wanted to make my parents proud of the child they stepped up for when they didn’t have to and I wanted to adopt children when I got older. I wanted to make the difference in a child’s life just as my parents did for me. So, why I can only hope my parents are proud of me, I know I have two of the most precious girls that grew in my heart, that have made me a mom!

What advice would the parent give to those looking to adopt? As for advice for parents looking to adopt, I would say this – Adoption can be the most precious gift that may take the most work you have ever done but it the most rewarding thing you may ever choose to do! The most surprising thing for people to hear is that I adopted as a single parent, twice! So, even if you are single and it is weighing on your heart to adopt, go for it! Children are the most precious gift and all children deserve a safe and loving home. I do think it’s important to know, even once you adopt you are never alone. There have been many times I have reached back out to Partnership, with questions or advice, and I will say, they have always been there for me! My two girls have added so much joy in my life, I do not know where I would be without them. Being adopted myself changed my life, but having adopted twice as an adult has changed my life even more!”